I think her voice was fine, if a little jarring just because I'm used to the Japanese one after playing the whole VN and watching the first few episodes subbed. Given that Maho is often mistaken for being younger than she is, the squeakier voice might be fitting. I definitely plan to continue watching the dub, as it releases, but I do hope for improvements as it goes on. There were some iffy points, and maybe I just need to get used to Maho's VO, but it was, overall, a good experience. Overall, in my opinion, as a big supporter of good English dubs, I'll say it wasn't on the level of the original anime's dub, but I don't think it was bad, at all. Definitely not the best way that scene could've played out, but it wasn't so bad to say I don't like the dub. Leskinen speaking English, Maho interpreting to Japanese, loud enough that the viewer has almost no way of understanding what's being said, until Maho suddenly switches to English. Didn't seem to fit the setting, well, not sure what to make of it. I really like Ruka's deeper (maybe more adult?) voice. Not once did I hear Okabe called Okabe, only Okarin, and considering the tonal shift from the original, it really caught me off guard.

Michael Tatum's VO is on point, guy really knows how to Okabe.