Upgrade #3 Coordinates: 903, 1440 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Successfully complete the "Fall From Grace" mission to unlock it. Upgrade #2 Coordinates: 359, 1443 Location: Successfully complete the natural selection mission to unlock it. Upgrade #1 Coordinates: 449, 1146 Location: Yellow Zone, Oakhurst - Prevent the scientist from reaching the green zone to unlock it. Upgrade #3 Coordinates: 563, 280 Location: Red Zone, Midtown - Successfully complete the "Last Resort" mission, then locate a Brawler on the street, and consume it to get the upgrade. Upgrade #2 Coordinates: 627, 146 Location: Red Zone, Time Square - Locate a Brawler on the street, and consume it to get the upgrade. Upgrade #1 Coordinates: 903, 1440 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Successfully complete the "Fall From Grace" mission to unlock it. Upgrade #3 Coordinates: 904, 1440 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Successfully complete the "Fall From Grace" mission to unlock it. Upgrade #2 Coordinates: 834, 1182 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Look for a juggernaut in the last cell of the lair.

Upgrade #1 Coordinates: 112, 1337 Location: Yellow Zone, Linden Park - Successfully complete the first Blackwatch mission to unlock it. Upgrade #2 Coordinates: 903, 1440 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Successfully complete the "Fall From Grace" mission to unlock it. Upgrade #1 Coordinates: 904, 1440 Location: Green Zone, Lincoln Meadows - Successfully complete the "Taking The Castle" mission to unlock it. Thus, you may not find them at the specified locations. Note: Some of these targets will respawn at different locations if they were killed. You can also enter the listed coordinates (longitude, latitude) into the in-game map to find the indicated target more easily. Move from island to island until you have found all the upgrades. Then, fly over the streets with a helicopter to locate the targets for any remaining upgrades. It is recommended you first complete all main story and BlackNet missions. If you accidentally kill any of these targets, they will randomly respawn. You must consume the DNA of each target to get the upgrade. Search the indicated locations and complete the listed tasks to unlock upgrades. Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the Insane difficulty. New Game + mode allows you to start a new playthrough on any available difficulty and retain all previously obtained upgrades and evolution levels from your previous playthrough. Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the "New Game +" option at the main menu.